Tuesday, May 6, 2014

A Promise

I Promised, a million years ago or it might have been yesterday or maybe in a dream, that I would be here Today, on This Hour, in This Moment to remind you of who you Really Are.

You said that you might get wrapped up, distracted or forget entirely why you came, what you wanted to do, or who you meant to be. And you said that you might need a reminder, a clue, or someone to shout to get back on your path. 

 I Promised I would be here, on This Day, in This Hour, at This Moment.

You began to worry, if I am lost, or turned around, or in great despair or if I am in Love or chasing a Dream, or Jumping from a Plane how will I know you?

I smiled knowingly and began...I will be the "right turn only" sign, when you've asked "which way". I will be the song on the radio crooning  "turn around" in your moment of confusion. I will be the phone call of a long lost Friend when your 
Heart is the heaviest. 
I will be the "I've known you forever" feeling of a brand new love, I will be the inspiration in your Wildest Dream, And I will be the Parachute when you exit the plane.

And then you asked, and where will you be until then? I was thoughtful for a moment and then I understood. I will be the light in a perfect Sunset, you will see me in the smile of an impossibly beautiful child, the petals of an exquisite flower will remind you of me. But most of all I will be the suspicion that you are not alone, the memory that you are loved, and the joy of every triumph.

And you will instantly Know that... I promised to be here on This Day, in This Hour, and at this Moment to Remind you of Who You Really Are.